Name: Christian Cowley
How long have you lived in Maple Ridge?
15 years. The strongest reason we moved here was to be with family.
Why are you proud to call it home?
This city is remarkably cohesive and friendly. I have lived in Tokyo and Vancouver; there you never meet someone you know in the streets. In Maple Ridge, I walk downtown and expect/look forward to seeing people I know.
The CEED Centre received a grant from MRCF in November 2015. How will those funds help you reach your goals in 2016?
This is the third grant we have received from the Maple Ridge Community Foundation. The grants allow us to move ahead with projects that benefit Maple Ridge residents. This particular grant money will help with a few different initiatives, including a senior’s planting bed, creating a kitchen space and new chairs for our meeting room.
What inspires you to give back to this community?
One reason is that are so many engaged, community-minded individuals in Maple Ridge. It’s fulfilling and fun to work with them!
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