Name: April Lacheur
How long have you lived in Maple Ridge? Five months. We moved here because we wanted more space. We love to be outside. As an artist who likes to paint nature, I’m drawn to natural beauty. Maple Ridge is spacious, we have the backdrop of the mountains, it’s great.
What inspires you to give? I just feel so lucky and privileged in my life, and I want to give to those less fortunate.
Do you have any favourite local hangouts yet? We keep finding great places. Kanaka Creek, Cliff Park, Gold Creek at Alouette Lake.
What do you do to keep happy and healthy? I try to spend lots of time outside, nature makes me happy. I also recently started practicing yoga. It helps me destress, be mindful and aware. I have also chosen a career that I love. I believe if we spend our lives working, we should do something we love.
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