Name: Dennis Hemminger
How long have you lived in Maple Ridge? 49 years! I was born and raised here.
Why are you proud to call it home? There’s a lot of amenities close at hand here in Maple Ridge. As well, Maple Ridge is a tight knit community. People and organizations work well together, network together. We do community well.
Youth Unlimited received a grant from MRCF recently. How will this money help the organization reach its goals? This money allows us to continue to move further forward. It provides us with an opportunity to have longevity as an organization by being seed money for an expansion. In 2014 the grant we received from MRCF allowed us to expand our program to a fourth high school. This year, we plan to expand into a fifth.
What inspires you to give? I am a Christian, so first and foremost I am inspired by God. Beyond that, I have always realized that it’s not what I can get out of life, it’s what I can do. I have always had a community mindset.