Name: Fred Armstrong
How long have you called Maple Ridge home? I came here in the late 80s to work at the local paper. This community embraced me, gave me opportunities to grow and contribute. It won my heart.
What inspires you to give? Seeing other people giving is inspiring. I see individuals who give of themselves so generously, often in unsung positions such as volunteering at their church, or the kid’s soccer coaches who are out there every week in the rain. I can’t help but be inspired by these people.
Do you have any favourite local hangouts? I love to take nature photos. It’s great that in just 10 minutes from my home and work, I can be in a trail that the Haney Horsemen built, with a cathedral of beautiful trees, or on the 216th Street dikes looking out at cranberry fields.
What is the kindest thing someone has done for you lately? I have friends who were recently traveling around Europe. Throughout their vacation, they would post photos on Facebook and tag their friends, me included, in photos of things or places they thought would interest each of us individually. It was really thoughtful.
What makes you proud to be from Maple Ridge? When the community gathers, it’s so great. During the 2010 Olympic torch relays, there was a crowd of five to six thousand people gathered here in Memorial Peace Park and suddenly everyone started to sing Oh Canada. This year’s Remembrance Day ceremonies had the largest crowd I’ve seen here.