
Rick Howard

How long have you lived in Maple Ridge?
I’ve lived here since 1995.

Why are you proud to call it home?
I like the people here. I like the laid back atmosphere of the community, and easy access to the rest of the province.

What inspires you to give?
I learned from my mother that is just what you do. She both told me this, and led by example.

Why do you choose to give your time as a Director with the Maple Ridge Community Foundation?
I get to give back to this great community. I like keeping my brain busy, and enjoy working with like-minded, community-oriented people.

What do you do to keep yourself happy and healthy?
I play an enormous amount of golf in the spring and summer, and an enormous amount of hockey in winter. In between, I ride my bike.


Paul and Eileen

How long have you lived in Maple Ridge?
13 years. We moved to be closer to our daughter and her family.

Why are you proud to call it home?
We live in the country, but are 5 minutes away from the city. It is quiet and peaceful. We love our acreage but have access to all the amenities we could ask for.

What inspires you to give?
I’m a hands-on person who likes to help the community and do something that is important.

What do you do to keep yourself happy and healthy?
I walk every morning, keep my mind active. I’m a designer by trade, President of my Train Club, design telescopes, do pottery and graphic design.

Do you have a favourite local hangout?
Memorial Peace Park, and the Haney Farmers Market which we have been a part of for 12 years now.


Rebecca Vaughan

How long have you lived in Maple Ridge?
Five and a half years, since 2010.

Why are you proud to call it home?
The people make Maple Ridge for me. There’s always someone doing something interesting in the community, and people are passionate about what’s important to them.

What inspires you to give?
I love getting around people who are doing something to make a difference. Those people are always good for your soul.

What do you do to keep yourself happy and healthy?
I run and do hot yoga. Spend time with family and friends. I also write, and enjoy music and art.

Do you have a favourite local hangout?
I love the Chameleon Cafe, the Maple Ridge Library, and my daughter and I sometimes go to the Billy Miner on Friday nights in the summer for pizza on the patio.

Who is your hero, and why?
My hero is anyone who is compassionate and kind to others and lives in a way that is true to who you are. It’s not always an easy thing to do, but life is too short to keep living in a way that doesn’t feed who you are and what you love!

What’s the nicest thing someone has done for you lately?
My son cooked the most delicious burgers for dinner when I was exhausted after a long day.


Ron Gordon

How long have you lived in Maple Ridge?
23 years.

Why are you proud to call it home?
I really like it. It is close to lots to do outdoors, close to town, and affordable.

Do you have any favourite local hangouts?
Emmeline Mohun Park is a favourite of mine.

What do you do to keep yourself happy and healthy?
I don’t sweat the small stuff and choose to be happy.


Christian Cowley

Name: Christian Cowley

How long have you lived in Maple Ridge?
15 years. The strongest reason we moved here was to be with family.

Why are you proud to call it home?
This city is remarkably cohesive and friendly. I have lived in Tokyo and Vancouver; there you never meet someone you know in the streets. In Maple Ridge, I walk downtown and expect/look forward to seeing people I know.

The CEED Centre received a grant from MRCF in November 2015. How will those funds help you reach your goals in 2016?
This is the third grant we have received from the Maple Ridge Community Foundation. The grants allow us to move ahead with projects that benefit Maple Ridge residents. This particular grant money will help with a few different initiatives, including a senior’s planting bed, creating a kitchen space and new chairs for our meeting room.

What inspires you to give back to this community?
One reason is that are so many engaged, community-minded individuals in Maple Ridge. It’s fulfilling and fun to work with them!


To read more #WeAreMapleRidge stories, please click here.

Ronda Payne

Name: Ronda Payne

How long have you called Maple Ridge home?
Cumulatively, I’ve lived here almost 20 years. I choose Maple Ridge because I love it. It’s beautiful, and it’s central. I find it very comfortable. People are welcome and open here. I know I feel a real sense of community here, and that other residents also want that community feeling.

Do you have a favourite local business or hangout? Kanaka Coffee is close to my home; I love it there. Bosley’s – I’m there a lot! I love them. Their staff and customer service is caring and locally-centered.

What inspires you to give? The knowledge that my life rocks, I have an awesome family, a car that works, a roof over my head, pets, the ability to buy food. Compared to the world’s majority, we are so far ahead. I am living well, compared to many even in my own community. It’s just important to give back.

What do you do to keep yourself happy and healthy? I am learning how to meditate. As a recovering type A perfectionist, it doesn’t come easy. Walking outdoors with my dogs is hugely important for my soul. I remind myself to be grateful, and to move my body as much as possible.

Who is your hero? My Dad is amazing; he’s so awesome. I don’t know anyone else who has gone through radiation with the eyes of a child. Most people would head for bed after a radiation treatment. Instead, Dad would call me to tell me how cool the machines were. It’s how he approaches life. I am really inspired by so many people; so, so many.


To read more #WeAreMapleRidge stories, please click here.