How long have you lived in Maple Ridge?
Five and a half years, since 2010.
Why are you proud to call it home?
The people make Maple Ridge for me. There’s always someone doing something interesting in the community, and people are passionate about what’s important to them.
What inspires you to give?
I love getting around people who are doing something to make a difference. Those people are always good for your soul.
What do you do to keep yourself happy and healthy?
I run and do hot yoga. Spend time with family and friends. I also write, and enjoy music and art.
Do you have a favourite local hangout?
I love the Chameleon Cafe, the Maple Ridge Library, and my daughter and I sometimes go to the Billy Miner on Friday nights in the summer for pizza on the patio.
Who is your hero, and why?
My hero is anyone who is compassionate and kind to others and lives in a way that is true to who you are. It’s not always an easy thing to do, but life is too short to keep living in a way that doesn’t feed who you are and what you love!
What’s the nicest thing someone has done for you lately?
My son cooked the most delicious burgers for dinner when I was exhausted after a long day.